Monday, 5 March 2012

Frozen Assets!

I had just finished playing Mrs Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank 

when a text came through for the place where lots of murders are committed - could I play a gym user?  Having not ventured near a gym for at least a year ( yes I know I should do) it was with some trepidation that I dug out the black trackies, t shirt and oh not so white trainers. Anyway, the trackies were long enough to cover them weren't they? It was in a slightly odd place - the Chesham United Football Club, Bucks, especially for us non locals to find. We went past this lovely looking health club and I did kind of  hope that it was the place we were to be filmed. No such luck. Breakfast finished (everyone knows you can't film on an empty stomach) and into the cars. I was paid extra for using my car and all it did was to sit in a car park for the morning!
A theatre had been transformed outside to look like a real gym - in fact it had me fooled until I realised the lack of gym gear! Easy job - walk in and out, talk to partner. After coffee and biscuits (remember what I said about the empty stomach)  we went  over to the park to freeze our butts off. It was November after all and standing in a cold damp park did nothing to  lift anyones spirits. After not being used at all we were off to lunch (see, it's all about the food!). We later returned and my partner and I had to go and feed the ducks / geese. We ended up being like 'Bird Women' as more and more geese, ducks and whatever else took it's fancy came swooping down or with the geese more perilously close to biting us - they were even biting each other and not in a good way! We started to laugh and the more we laughed the more ridiculous it seemed - and we couldn't even hear "Action" or "Reset" anyway! It certainly made up for the morning part anyway. Later on I was partnered with a lovely man and we had to walk endlessly up  and down the grassy bank. However, just to the side of us was a circular exercise place where others were jumping up and down, running around like lunatics to each different exercise place. I was very glad that I wasn't part of it especially as one or two seemed to find it incredibly hard going! We wrapped later than I would have liked especially as I was frozen solid - note to self - buy better thermals!!

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