Friday, 9 March 2012

Cardinal Burns

Whilst working on one of the previous films, I received a call asking if I would be prepared to be featured in a comedy sketch show wearing nothing but my bra and pants in a hot tub!
After everyone had finished laughing, including myself, I though why not? and replied yes.
After various phone calls I was finally confirmed for the job. As you can imagine, the choosing of the underwear became the major focal point in my life! Too skimpy, too big, too bright, too darketc. I finally decided on a couple of sets and put them to one side.
Costume phoned - change of plan - no hot tub sketch, just wear office clothing. Well, I felt a bit deflated. Not that I have the perfect body, far from it. I probably have more wobbly bits than anyone else AND in more places but  I felt it was time to shake off that person that always changed in the girls loos  too afraid in case people peeked. Peeked at what I'm not quite sure but anyway, the challenge had been taken away so I would never know whether I could do it or not. 
I turned up for a 7am call at Wimbledon Studios (fab  place - always fab food) and grabbed breakfast. I went for the full English seeing as I didn't have to show anybody anything. Delicious! I got chatting to the girl at the next  table, Kathy. It turned out she was also doing the sketch too. Our point of contact for the day, Dan came over and said that  we were too early as the call time wasn't until 9.45am.... Oh well, plenty of free food, coffee, good company so I was quite happy anyway. However, Dan returned with
"As you are so early we thought we'd reinstate the hot tub scene". I imagine my face went from white to an eerie shade of green. What was he talking about? My underwear was at home - admittedly my current undies weren't too bad - bog standard black boys shorts but no spares! (I later found a pair tucked into my backpack and have always carried a spare pair since!) We walked with confidence into wardrobe or so it looked. We started to strip and then giggle. We were both wearing the same black underwear (or so it seemed). 
"You can't look the same" said Wardrobe as they handed me a stripey pair of  pants with an ill fitting lilac bra. Now, I quite like my boobs, they are neither too big, too small, have yet to start sliding south and they are practically the only bit of me that I can muster any enthusiasm over. However, in this bra they simply became invisible - nowhere to be seen. Kathy, on the other hand, had a glorious pair spilling over and looking, well, rather full. Robes were donned and slippers given to us. Off we went to the hot tub. At least I could  hide underneath the bubbles so it wouldn't be too bad would it. I mean, how bad could it be?
I started to feel a bit better, confidence began to return. Let's do it!  Into the room we went which now had the crew in plus the 3 main actors. The room didn't feel that warm and where oh where were the bubbles?? Deep breath , robe off and into the nice hot....wait a minute , scrap that, luke warm water! No luxuries of hot water for us because the camera lens would steam up. There we sat, occasionally being revived by a hot cup of tea for what  seemed like, a couple of hours until shivering had commenced and goose pimples were  gradually shared round the tub. Rehearsal, action, finally all over. Into the by now, damp robes as we had been let out a couple of times which was worse as we knew what we were  getting back in to! Just think,  some people like to think this work is glamorous...Still, there was the office party to look forward to - but that's another story! Look out for Cardinal Burns E4 in April (just  don't look for  my boobs!!)

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