Sunday, 18 March 2012

Running scared

An ad appeared on Starnow for people to be part of filming for a film that used to be a series starring Dennis Waterman.
I applied. At first they didn't  want to give me the job as they thought  that due to my acting work, I wouldn't enjoy being an extra.... job secured  I was asked to go into Central London in a business suit and with my car as they would be filming me driving.....
I was a bit  worried about that - I mean, it's fine driving when nobody notices you but we all know what parking is like when someone is standing there gawping as you valiantly try parallel parking...
After breakfast (it's a wonder I'm not the size of a house with all this eating) I was  told that  my driving services wouldn't be required - phew! The Mall had been closed off due to a Foreign Prime Ministers visit. I was paired up with Katharine a beautiful leggy brunette. We were asked to run from the gun man (well, you would, wouldn't you?). I'm just over 5'2" so running  alongside Katharine  was no mean feat but thank goodness for flat boots! I'm sure it must have looked very comical with Katharine pulling me behind her as I tried to keep up.
After that I had to cross by the main actor who was being gawped at by tourists. The road had been closed off except for taxis so of course everyone wanted to know what was happening and who the  main actors were. Eventually people moved on and filming could take place.
After lunch - this is one time  where lunch was not only awful but served up in plastic boxes and had to be eaten standing up in case we were needed, we started filming in the local park.
There was a man with a laid bike trike usually used to ferry passengers about, now being used to ferry the camera about. He could certainly go at some speed! More shooting, people cowering, the usual chase sequence - actually if this happens in real life I probably would assume it's someone filming. 
There was a great stunt lady on this one. She had to walk in the park with a pram and be thrown to the ground. She was later thrown to the ground on a concrete bridge too. It was amazing to see her 'gel filled bottom' just like chicken fillets (girls, you know what I mean) but for your bum. 
Eventually we wrapped some time after 4pm and then it was time to drive through Central London....but that's a whole other story!

Strangely enough, I was later asked back to a casting for a featured role but sadly, I couldn't make the casting. Who knows what would have happened if I did?!

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