Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Up 1,2,3 Down 1.2.3...

Next, I received a text message asking if I would be prepared to be filmed taking part in an aerobics class for  a Corporate for a certain brand of margarine. I agreed and waited for the confirmation email. Eventually it came announcing to the world  that I hadn't been chosen. Ah well! Up to the pub then for a quick late lunch with a friend. Another text - ignore previous text they do  want you! Very thankful that I had chosen not to have a glass of wine with lunch, panic set in as to what to wear. Well, if you're going to have your jiggerly bits filmed you want them to jiggle in something half  decent don't you?! Up to the Supermarket - T shirt & black joggers -  perfect. Trainers? Eek! I remembered vaguely having some sort of white footwear a while ago.....but where? If in doubt, search underneath bed and yes, there they were. Well, they were once white....run to hardware store - trainer whitener - brilliant!
The 'aerobics' class was held in a very upmarket Health Club with breakfast laid on (choccie croissants WeyHey!)  It wasn't a difficult class, thank goodness, as the 'Teacher' wasn't actually an aerobics  teacher at all but someone who taught Pilates. However, she managed to put a routine together which we could all do so we didn't look too daft. One girl was a professional dancer and voiced her horror at seeing how bad we were. We thought we were doing quite well actually. Anyway, thankfully perfection was not what the Director wanted so we wrapped after just 4 hours with a full days pay - Fabulous!

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